Baronissi +39 089.9566338 Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00 via Giovanni Agnelli, 6 Zona P.I.P. Baronissi (SA) • Italy
Certified quality
ISO 9001:2015
More than 100 nations in the trade network
Environmental care
516.736 Kg of Co2 avoided in 2020


July 1, 2015
SIP&T ist bereits seit langer Zeit ein führender Hersteller von Bohrwerkzeugen für vertikale Bohrungen mit großem Durchmesser und präsentiert sich als Marktführer, der in der Lage ist, innovative Kellystangen herzustellen, die mit den Bohrgeräten der weltweit gängigen Marken kompatibel sind.
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Being always a prominent representative in the field of large diameter vertical drilling tool production, SIP&T continues to stand out as a leading company, able to manufacture innovative Kelly bars compatible with most of worldwide drilling rig brands.
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Da sempre esponente di punta nel settore della produzione di utensili per la perforazione verticale di grande diametro, SIP&T continua a proporsi come azienda leader in grado di realizzare innovativi kelly bar compatibili con le trivelle dei più famosi brand mondiali.
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Ultime news

We support diaphragm walls
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Only one name for rotary tools
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Kelly bar sustainable lightness
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Archivio Press

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